Spiritually Assisting at the
Moment of Death Workshop
Workshop Date/Time: November 2018, More Details to Come
Registration: Available online or at the door
Location: TBA
Registration closes October 26th, 2018
Moment of Death Training will offer an introduction to simple and effective techniques which allow practitioners to find nourishment, clarity, and a fresh new way to connect with their loved ones during otherwise challenging times . Open to beginners and veteran practitioners who are looking for a refresher course.
Limited enrollment.
Participants will learn a powerful meditation which personalizes prayer/song/ and/or poetry in synchronization with the breath of their loved ones to bring about deep relaxation for all involved and assists your loved one to recognize the experience of Clear Light at The Moment of Death.
Students are encouraged to attend our regular practice sessions. (please see meetup.com for updated schedule) and additional sessions may be arranged within your community upon request.
Pre-requisites: Students are strongly encouraged to attend EMBM and Heartspace workshops in preparation for this program.
Instructor: Melissa Lewis, RN BSN has dedicated much of her career to caring for individuals and families in home health and hospice and currently covers Hospice Triage for Hartford Healthcare at Home. She began training extensively with The Clear Light Society’s Founding Director, Patricia Shelton in 1995. Her core practicum included zen meditation and koan study, Emotional Mastery of Body Mind, Heartspace Meditation, and the Clear Light Meditation for the Dying, which was recognized as a Terma (Wisdom Treasure) by the Venerable Trungpa Rinpoche. She leads meditation groups, offers inservices / workshops for both medical professionals and the general community, and now serves as the Director of Training and Services. She is the successive lineage holder for The Clear Light Society.
Books: While there are no required readings for this course, please click here to access the online publication of Blissful Death, by CLS Founding Director Patricia Shelton.
Assignments: Participants are encouraged to practice what they learned to help develop confidence in their skills.
Practice Attendance: We highly recommend that participants attend practice meetings to maintain competency. Practice sessions will correspond with the information presented in course and will reinforce what is learned in class. It is important to understand that this course is more than just an intellectual exploration or a belief system, but it is visceral experience that encompasses the mind, body, and senses.
What to wear/bring: Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing and bring personal pillows, blankets/mats, and a small flashlight to use instead of overhead lighting.
Meeting times: Classes will begin promptly at 7 p.m. and will run roughly 2 hours in duration
Cost: First Time Attendes pay $100 for this session. Retaking Helping at the Moment of Death Training? If you have previously attended this course and wish to retake it as a refresher course, we are asking for a free-will donation to help support our community services.
Register: I read and agree with the Refund Policy & Disclaimer of Responsibility below.
No refunds are granted for no shows or cancellations except if course, workshop, retreat or program is withdrawn by CLS. By registering to any course, workshop or retreat, you acknowledge and agree with our Refund Policy.
If a student wishes to cancel his/her registration to any course, workshop or retreat, the CLS may provide credit to the student toward another corresponding future course, workshop or retreat taken with the Fellowship. The student needs to provide a written request for credit sent via email to CLS one week prior to the first day of class, workshop or retreat. Credit toward a course will only be granted for one year after the date of cancellation.
Disclaimer of Responsibility: By registering for this program. I, the course member, specifically waive any and all claims of action against CLS and staff for damages, loss, injury, accident, or death due to negligence on the part of any organization or employee providing services included in this course, organization or employee providing included in this course.
Program Details
“I wish to express the gratitude of the entire McCormack family for your assistance at the death of my beloved sister Julie. We were by her side, watching her struggle, not knowing how to be with her and longing for direction and some sense of peace. [the Clear Light Practitioner] graciously came to the hospital and led our family through what proved to be one of the most powerful, uplifting and peaceful experiences any of us may ever know. In my estimation the family’s strength through subsequent days has been a direct result of that experience. I’m sure you understand how inadequate the words “thank you” seem under the circumstance.”
B.J. McCormack, M.D., Brockton, Massachusetts