Heartspace Assisted Meditation for Individuals & Partners
Cultivating Connection & Embracing Challenges

Develop a fresh, dynamic approach to deepening your spiritual journey.

Learn techniques for supporting your loved ones at any stage of life.

Find peace in difficult life situations

Offering sacred chant, prayer, poetry, and song in synchronization with another’s breath provides an opportunity for deep relaxation for all involved. These practices have proven to be particularly effective at helping to relieve physical and emotional pain and distress.


Workshop Date/Time: November 2018 More Details to Come

Registration: Available online or at the door

Location: TBA

Instructor: Melissa Lewis, RN BSN has dedicated much of her career to caring for individuals and families in home health and hospice and currently covers Hospice Triage for Hartford Healthcare at Home. She began training extensively with The Clear Light Society’s Founding Director, Patricia Shelton in 1995. Her core practicum included zen meditation and koan study, Emotional Mastery of Body Mind, Heartspace Meditation, and the Clear Light Meditation for the Dying, which was recognized as a Terma (Wisdom Treasure) by the Venerable Trungpa Rinpoche. She leads meditation groups, offers inservices / workshops for both medical professionals and the general community, and now serves as CLS Director of Training and Services. She is the successive lineage holder for The Clear Light Society.

Please RSVP by October 26th

Donation: $50 per participant


For information on the next upcoming workshop on this topic, please click HERE.

No refunds are granted for no shows or cancellations except if course, workshop, retreat or program is withdrawn by CLS.  By registering to any course, workshop or retreat, you acknowledge and agree with our Refund Policy.

If a student wishes to cancel his/her registration to any course, workshop or retreat, the CLS may provide credit to the student toward another corresponding future course, workshop or retreat taken with the Fellowship. The student needs to provide a written request for credit sent via email to CLS one week prior to the first day of class, workshop or retreat. Credit toward a course will only be granted for one year after the date of cancellation.

Disclaimer of Responsibility: By registering for this program. I, the course member, specifically waive any and all claims of action against CLS and staff for damages, loss, injury, accident, or death due to negligence on the part of any organization or employee providing services included in this course, organization or employee providing included in this course.